
I love journaling! How my passion led me to create my own journals.

For as long as I remember, journaling has been my sanctuary. It’s a space where I can be completely honest with myself, explore my creativity, and track my personal growth. I keep journals for different topics, such as a travel journal, a journal in which I write down poems and pearls of wisdom, and an …

I love journaling! How my passion led me to create my own journals. Weiterlesen »

Why do I focus in my Theta Healing Sessions, especially on the lower three chakras?

Because it’s actually just the lower three energy centers that contain our blockages and imbalances.  Here is why. Our seven energy centers are divided into two categories: The lower three chakras, the root, sacral and solar plexus chakras, our so-called earthly chakras and the upper three chakras, our spiritual chakras. The seventh chakra, our crown …

Why do I focus in my Theta Healing Sessions, especially on the lower three chakras? Weiterlesen »

What the healer really does

What the healer really does is “increase the efficiency at which DNA communicates to the body. So the very best a healer can do is to work with that frequency, or vibration or whatever it represents in a multidimensional state. (Kryon Book 12)

What does activation of the esoteric DNA mean?

When I speak of DNA-Activation, I mean giving awareness to your esoteric DNA. With awareness comes activation of DNA. It simply means changing your frequency in the body. With the DNA Activation we awake our self healing power.  The DNA-Activation allows us to survive the enviromental poisens created by man, as well accelerates our psychic senses,  Regarding …

What does activation of the esoteric DNA mean? Weiterlesen »